Cool stuff Diwali

Celebrate Diwali 2016 in Bacolod with Indian Sweets from Harmen’s Indian Minimart!

Diwali is a very important holiday for people in India.  Diwali celebrates the triumph of light over darkness and is a time for people to enjoy themselves, give gifts and eat!  One of the main activities in this festival is lighting lots of little clay lamps around the home to welcome the goddess Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess of wealth, prosperity and fortune!

But you don’t have to go all the way to India to experience Diwali!  Just go visit Harmen’s Indian Minimart on October 28 and 29 to see and try an amazing array of Indian sweets and delicacies made especially for Diwali.


Let me show you a few of the awesome stuff that we love at Harmen’s!  For snacking, check out their awesome Indian snacks.  These snacks are amazing since they incorporate many varied ingredients, tastes and and textures into one package. Spicy-sweet, salty sweet – try out these snacks!

Have a craving for snacks? Try the exotic mixes of lentils, noodles, nuts and spices that Harmen’s has to offer in their Indian Snacks.

There’s a great ingredient that can add a lot of flavor to your dishes of chicken or rice.  Try their various pickles!  There’s lots to choose from, from carrot pickles to lime pickles.  These are a bit salty and spicy so the adage “A Little Goes a Long way” holds true with regards to these.

Lime pickles, Mango pickles and carrot pickles!

For rare spices, check out their spice section which has pre made mixes or if you’re feeling adventurous you can make your own with the various powders and spices that Harmen’s has.

Mixes and powders for you to make your tandoori or your curries!
Cardamoms, cloves and almonds.

Once a year though, the spice section is cleared out to make room for Indian sweets!  Boxes of sweets line the walls ready to be bought!

Boxes of Indian mithai or sweets!

My absolute favorite mithai is Gulab Jamun, a milk-based dessert that is shaped into balls and deep fried.  Served with a sweet sugar syrup, these golden spheres are a delicacy that I only get to taste once a year.

Gulab Jamun! This traditional Indian dessert was said to be invented by the chef of Shah Jahan – the king who built the Taj Mahal.
A variant of Gulab Jamun, these pink sweets are stuffed with a creamy center.
Almond sweet bars – ready for eating!
Nutty Chewy Bars.
No, these aren’t sweets but lots of little clay dishes that serve as lamps for diwali!


There’s a lot more sweets and awesome stuff at Harmen’s.   Check them out today!  Come for the awesome sweets and spices!





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