Bacolod city Cafe Coworking space

Thinkerbell Cafe & Coworking in Bacolod City

Bacolod’s newest Coworking Space! Thinkerbell Cafe & Coworking 🧚‍♀️🍀🐿 is now open!

This is a combination Cafe and Coworking space with high speed internet speed for the coworking space and cafe, ⚡Generator to avoid pesky brownouts and perks for coworkers and dine in customers!

Beautiful brightly lit cafe area at Thinkerbell Cafe and Coworking space
A gorgeous lounge area awaits customers at Thinkerbell coworking and cafe
The gorgeous coworking space at Thinkerbell coworking and cafe! Each desk has an outlet to charge your gadgets!

Here’s a few standout things that made us go wow! We won’t reveal all of the nice surprises the cafe has to offer – so you’ll have a nice discovery when you visit! 🕵️

Cute drinks! They have the cutest drinks with 🐻 BEARS filled with flavor or coffee! ☕These are the most amazing drinks we’ve had for a long time in Bacolod city. These are mixed sodas but what sets them apart are the flavor filled ICE bears!

In this picture are the blue curacao and the orange espresso sodas – We LOVE both but people who love coffee and want a caffeine kick should definitely try the orange espresso!

We tried the cute Blue Mojito soda drink that had a cute ❄️ice bear filled with blue curacao flavor – We also had the 🍊orange espresso drink – with a cute ice bear filled with ESPRESSO! ☕

The awesome caffeinated orange soda blend at Thinkerbell coworking space!

The bears melt so the longer you leave your drink, the more intense the flavor becomes! Super cute and tasty! 🩷

Here. the coffee bear has begun melting and you can see the orange soda mocktail slowly becoming infused with rich espresso flavor!
A view of the cute ice bear filled with blue curacao syrup! As the bear melts, it releases the flavor and the syrup into the drink. The longer you let it set, the flavor becomes more intense!

The food is super good too – there’s all sorts from 🍕 pizza to pasta as well as coffee ☕

Spaghetti and meatball! A huge meatball dominates this gorgeous plate – it also comes with two garlic breadsticks
Chorizo sandwich – a toasted sandwich complete with egg and tasty chorizo – flavorful and filling!
Excellent, flavorful Chorizo pasta with shiitake mushrooms!
Chicken alfredo pasta = creamy pasta with roasted chicken!
Tuna sandwich
A mini pizza with chorizo meatballs!

🚴‍♂️Exercise Desk: – Want to work and get a workout too? Thinkerbell has a workout bicycle desk where you can pedal while you work! Increase the circulation in your legs and get fit while working!

Okay – want to work and get fit? Use the ExERDESK at Thinkerbell coworking space!
Using an exerdesk has benefits as it improves the circulation in your legs and keeps you active. Watch the pounds melt away while you work!

🐝Hive design is more than meets the eye – Those hexagons on the wall that look like a hive – those are actually TABLES! Pull them out to add tables!

Got a big group? That hive design on the wall isn’t for show! Evoking a busy hive and worker bees, the design actually has a more practical approach!

📍Thinkerbell is located in Doors 5 and 6 carmel Arcade, La Salle Avenue, Bacolod City!
⏰They’re open from 10:00 am to 7:00pm

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